Saturday, January 2, 2010

Where Sleeping Books Lie

I'm starting off slower than I would have liked to. I blame my parents for being cooler than me and going away for New Years this year. They went away, which means I was dog sitting for the last 2 days for my very cute woof, Jersey. Dog sitting means I wasn't at home, which, is where my both books, as they have for more than a year, lie on my cherry-wood nightstand.

On a brighter note, look at me go on the blogging! That's right...two days in a row. Haven't done that since...2007 maybe? I think in 2009, my total blog count for the entire year was...2!

Tonight, I'm back in my house, so tonight, I will be re-beginning Bright Lights. I'm super excited. The last time I sat down to read this book, I was doubled over in out-loud laughter. This, actually the reason I stopped reading the book. Instead of reading new pages I just kept re-reading this one part about a debacle of a gynecologist visit. Jen freaking funny. I highly recommend her books (and blog actually, just not instead of mine), Start with her first book, Bitter is the New Black. If a future resolution for this year wasn't to stop saying "f*ck" almost as often as I say the word "the", I might say that I think she is f*cking hilarious...

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