Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hammer Time

Living alone again has been an adjustment. It's weird not having anyone else to talk to at any given moment. Strange to no longer have automatic plans every night of the week, and odd to go to sleep and wake up next to no one. I'd replaced what once was someone else's side of the bed with a body pillow and, a stuffed animal. Ok, fine. Two stuffed animals.

On one specific night during that very first week, I had come home from working a closing shift. I was trying to find comfort in the silence as I sat on my couch with a glass of wine, watching my DVR of Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice.

Just as I started to finally relax, I heard unusual (and alarming) sounds coming from what sounded like my bedroom...

I immediately muted the TV and listened to the sound of what I thought was someone trying to drill their way into my house. A few minutes later, a knocking sound followed, which is what I thought was the intruder letting me know they had successfully made it inside. Needless to say, there was no intruder. Either my imagination had gotten the best of me, or my neighbors had taken up a new hobby of late-night home repairs.

Just as quickly as they came, the body pillow and stuffed animals were replaced by a very large hammer and, a butcher knife.

And after just a few mornings of waking up to a sharp blade by my side, I decided it was time to install an alarm system in my house. And I had just gotten a coupon for $99 installation!

I live on the bottom floor, which, gives easy access in from every possible window and door to my home. So a $99 install? Only true if you simply prefer to keep burglars from coming in through the front door. Every extra door and window? More dollars.

Good news is though, that after 2 months, much research, impressive haggling, and a little bit of telling off a company (ASG Security, the 11th largest security company in the country, per my 14 year old sales rep) I've finally signed a contract. If you're considering installing an alarm in your house, let me save you much trouble and bitterness when I tell you:

Go with ADT, the #1 home security company in the country. Duh. Oh, and give them my name as a referral please...I really could use the bonus money after my recent loss of the mega millions.


  1. Wow, just got that post under the deadline...Question: Would you throw the hammer then stab or just go at them like a spider monkey?
