Monday, February 1, 2010

Paper Bagging It

How on earth has en entire month come and gone? See this the problem with getting old...Your life starts to pass you by so quickly that you don't have time to time to realize that your life is passing you by! And here I am, 1 month into 2010, and I wonder...have I done anything right?

I'm not saying I'm discouraged about my road to a better me. More concerned really. Should I already feel like a changed person? Or, is ok that I am still just trying to pave the way?

This month, I've challenged myself to get back to thing I've missed (the measurable, reading and writing), get a life (and take pictures to prove it), set a budget (and stick to it), and become a volunteer.

I've hit a few road blocks. The reading and writing I think I've done ok. I've read almost three books, and, have written 17 entries already! However, the get a life slash follow a budget still seem to be conflicting with each other, and I've yet to find a way to make the two run comfortably together. But I'm working on it.

Week 4, due to the bedridden injury, will be addressed week 5, alongside my new undertaking...

Start packing lunch (or dinner) for work every day. And then actually eat what I packed. I can't lie...I work in the mall, and often, CPK or Nordstrom Cafe sound a hell of a lot better than the paper bag in the fridge. But, I think this could help my wallet a lot too! The key to this is food shopping, though. It's hard to pack a lunch when I'm fresh (or for 3 weeks have been) out of fruit, yogurt, bread slash everything you need to pack a lunch.

Luckily, I can start out on a high note this week because while injured, my mom went to the store for me and stocked my fridge. Not only am I a spoiled only child, but, now I feel like a real adult when I open the fridge and see food where an empty space used to accompany the 32 leftover Natty Boh's from my snowed out Christmas party. Thanks Mom!

1 comment:

  1. Become a facebook fan of Academy of Hope and ask your friends to become a fan as well. That actually can really help us! See... volunteering. :)
