Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Some Like it Hot

After visiting MAC last week for my quarterly visit to stock up on new makeup, I've decided that I need to stop being so lazy about actually wearing it.

A. I work in the industry, and although I look a lot more done up than most of my guests, my makeup routine has gone from full face to eye liner, mascara, and blush.

B. I have too much of it to avoid. I mean, makeup artist or not, it's verging on embarassing.

C. I feel much better about myself when I have eye shadow on. So, although some of you may not feel this is a quality resolution, I disagree. Isn't being able to feel better about myself the ultimate goal of this entire year? So yes, I argue your point and I make eye shadow my new resolution for the last week in February.

As for last week, no new love or lust to report. With new positive attitude towards dating, I've had to spread my negativity elsewhere. So now, instead of dating being the brunt of my jokes and the reason for why the world is unquestionably intolerable at times, I find myself blaming everything else.

Top 10 Things I Couldn't Stand Last Week:

10. Finding out that koala's aren't bears. Then why do we call them "koala bears"? I mean really, that's just stupid.

9. If you asked me what I've spent the most time doing over the last 2 yrs, I'd say driving. And by spending so much time in the car, I've grown to loathe dumb people. Broken down cars on the side of the road are not cops. We do not need to slam on our brakes for them.

8. That said, if you are a rule follower and enjoy speed limits, get out of the left lane. Same goes if you are guilty of #9. Or maybe just get a driver. Its safer for everyone.

7. I am not a waitress for several reasons. I don't feel like carrying a tray over my head, especially one full of drinks. I also am impatient and will be irritated if you bother me for refills. People who are unable to recognize these faults in themselves while working in the service industry should be fined. No, I do not want the check lady, now leave me alone!

6. Painting. Although it sounds like a great idea, I assure you its not. Thinking you can paint a room all by your lonesome without kicking a hole in a wall from frustration (that you, yourself will need to spackle and sand) is unrealistic.

5. Prepackaged stir-fry sounded like a great idea. Fresh (frozen) vegetables with a sauce packet. Or so I thought. After spending 45minutes boiling brown rice, I come to find out that I picked the one bag of stir fry sans sauce packet.

4. Drive up ATM's and parking garage ticketing dispensers have a very specific implication. Drive up. Not pull up sort of close but not close enough so that you then have to get out of your car to reach. Again, learn how to operate your motor vehicle.

3. I was walking passed a mall couch the other day. On it? Even worse than what I saw at Pazo last week. A teeny-bopper couple, laying down, covered in a blanket, half empty bottles of root beer on the "coffee table", while watching TV on the free FIOS HD that hangs there.

2. Days off of work have been ruined because I can't watch Ellen. An evening out has become irritating because your friends can't pay attention long enough to what your saying to follow your story because they're too busy watching ice dancing on the TV behind you. Winter Olympics? Snore. I'm over you, see you in 4 years.

1. PF Changs dinner, wine, coffee and fortune cookies. Great night! Excitedly, we opened our cookies to find what our fortunes would tell. "You are talented in many ways." Eh, not really a fortune but, OK. "No need to worry, you will always have everything you need." I like it. "The love of your life will appear in front of you unexpectedly." Hey! Who stole my fortune! Mine? "Some like it hot. Eat more Kung Pao."

Monday, February 15, 2010

Oh Happy Day

I'm trying to figure out what on earth happens to people on Valentine's Day. I mean, sure, who doesn't like balloons, chocolates and flowers? But there's something else in the air on this day, and I'm pretty sure it's drugs. I really tried, but I simply cannot fathom how people are so much more in love on this day than any/every other day.

I walked into dinner tonight, choosingly detached from the 4-letter word and all things associated. But immediately, I noticed that I had walked into my very own nightmare. It wasn't just the dimmed lighting and the heart decor that made me want to purposely choke on my Orbit gum. It also wasn't just the obvious crowd of couples having "romantic" dinners together to celebrate this Hallmark holiday. What it was, though, was the abnormality that everyone looked extremely, blissfully, gag me with a spatula head-over-heels in love.

I'm not being bitter that I'm alone. Really, I'm not! I'm being dead serious when I say that the crowd more resembled a weird zombie-romance movie cast than actual real life humans.

I turned to my left and 3-5 couples were gazing adoringly into each others eyes. To the right, 3-5 more. Behind me, they had moved on from gazing to making themselves right at home on the couches, intertwined and nearly X-rated. (Which, by the way, I hate. Major pet peeve of mine is people who occupy couches in public the same way they would in their own living rooms. Go home.)

Normally, you find couples everywhere you go that look like they'd rather be doing anything else. Staring each other down like they want to kill the other, or arguing, or just, not speaking because they no longer care enough to. But nope, not on Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day, love, or floating ecstasy particles, is in the air.

So during dinner I may have made a few teeny tiny, minuscule even, negative judgmental comments about the "L" word. I followed these comments with my take on getting back into dating. My date (fine, friend) told me, pretty much, that my attitude would likely not help me with my singledom. Shocking, I know.

So, I don't know that I can necessarily say I'm jumping in head first to this, but I can say that my newest 2010 life altering change is to...ow...hurts to say it...not be (so) opposed to dating... And let me reiterate that this is going to be a difficult one considering that just a few hours ago, my thoughts were so anti that I'd rather do my laundry.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Loads" Of Fun

It's time for a life altering life adjustment. One that will take hard work, persistence, and determination. I've put it off long enough that the humps had turned into mountains, and now that they're gone, I never want to see them again. To you it may seem simple. For me, it's something that has always haunted me. For years, I've faced this never ending battle, and mark my words, this is the year I overcome it.

This week, I face laundry.

I don't know why I've always hated this chore more than all the others. If you gave me the option, I'd choose cleaning the bathroom. A bathroom stays clean after you've cleaned, at least for a little while. But laundry? Noooo. You catch up on laundry, and then, that same night...more laundry. And then, after you've gathered enough similarly colored items, you have lights, darks, towels, linens, shoot me because you still have to wait for it to dry, iron (ha, that's a whole different resolution) and, the most terrible part...put it all away. I may have even been guilty from time to time of the "which basket was clean, now I have to wash both" ordeal!

It's just too many steps. Too time consuming. And frankly, I'm way too busy and important to deal with it. But, seemingly, for right now, I guess until someone else realizes just how too busy and important I am, I don't really have a choice in the matter.

So here I go...I will, from here on out, every week, do my laundry every Sunday. And by "do", I mean wash, dry, and hang/fold. Laundry will not sit wet in the washer. It will not sit dry in the dryer. And it most certainly will not sit rewrinkling itself in a laundry basket.

Aside from thinking I just might be setting myself up for failure for the first time this year, I'm also starting to think that I'd make a really terrible wife...

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Hey guys, did you know it snowed? Omg there is soooo much snow on the ground. Car shoveled out! Snopocolypse! Snowmageddon! Blizzard X!

Those, just a few of the most common excerpts from Facebook statuses over the last few days.

Haha, lol, etc, etc. Now can everyone please just stop? I mean, I don't mean to snow on anyone's parade, but I cannot take it anymore. Yes, I know it snowed. And you know what? I could've guessed that eventually you would be shoveling. I also know its cold outside and that there's nothing like a cup of hot chocolate your "hubby" made for you. (Except there is. I bet my Bailey's and coffee not made by your husband would trump your chocolate powder water any day.)

Next, I'd like to inform you that the pictures of the blizzard from your backyard look just like the snow here. So save the battery on your digital cameras, and the time it took you to post them on Facebook, and know that I'm doing fine with out your picture updates of your buried car.

I'm quickly becoming convinced that nasty weather brings out the worst in people. What started out as stir-crazy has settled into bitter (as you may have noticed), and I find myself nearing the point of setting up a dingy lawn chair in my parking spot, or, just driving right over top of someone else's.

Anyone else looking as forward to 12 more inches as I am?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Next Betty Crocker

Next time there's going to be a blizzard that's going to keep me snow bound, I'd really appreciate if it didn't follow the week I was couch bound because of a back injury. You can only do so much "nothing" before it starts to drive you crazy.

For example, my mother called to tell me that my father is "The Bird Man." Umm...? Well, apparently, they hit rock bottom even faster than me, and have now taken an unhealthy liking to the birds attempting to eat from the snow covered bird feeder. My dad has apparently been feeding them for hours, and has a photo diary to prove it. My mom thinks he's doing it as an excuse to drive somewhere, as he now needs to go to the grocery store to buy more bread.

In attempt to not accompany my father's example of a strange, strange day, I have tried to stay busy. Sheets changed, dishwasher run, laundry almost caught up. But because I woke up at 8am, by 10 I was already bored.

For those readers who know me (please let me continue believing that I have readers I don't know about), I don't bake. I don't really do much of anything in the kitchen unless it follows my 3 ingredient limit. Crock pots, good...ovens, bad. And because I'm the anti-Martha, I don't even keep mixes (cake, brownie, cookie, etc) in the house. But today...as the stir-crazy sunk in, I not only just baked, I made brownies...from scratch.

I tried one, and so far I haven't died. I actually might go as far to say that they came out pretty darn good! So yes, you may call me "chef." And assuming I stay alive until Monday, the rest are for my very lovely girls at work, as I'm pretty sure they need to be bribed not to quit since they've had to work during all the snow this winter since I'm too far away to get there...

Anyway, now I'm spending some time looking for volunteer opportunities. A few of you have expressed interest in accompanying me on this task, so here are some things I've found:

Girl Scout Troop Leader. I'm not sure if you need qualifications for this, but I'm 99.9% sure that if you do, I don't have them.

Baltimore Heart Ball Volunteers. A gala to support the American Heart Association. Volunteer work AND a party? What's not to like?

Animal shelters. Here I take a risk...going alone, coming home with newly adopted pet.

Soup kitchens. Spend a morning helping to serve hot food during this very cold winter to the homeless.

Aside from the girl scouts, these all sound like something I'd really like to devote some time to, but considering my recent inability to watch The Price is Right or a Folgers commercial without crying, I'm wondering if my hysterical outbursts would be inappropriate rather than helpful?

Let me know if you have other ideas or are serious about participating. I'm planning on making some calls to turn this talk into action...

Now as we know, I also had to pack lunch this week, and lucky for me, it was almost impossible not to succeed! I was only at work Monday and Wednesday, and both days, I was good. I may have bought an iced green tea from Starbucks once or thrice, but other than that, I did it! It's highly unlikely that I'll never buy lunch again, but I will carry on this rez' through the year by saying I will do it nearly never.

Stir-crazy is kicking back in and I think I might brew up some dinner. Teriyaki stir fry with brown rice? Iiiiii like it. And I like even more that this stuff will come straight out of a bag...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Paper Bagging It

How on earth has en entire month come and gone? See this the problem with getting old...Your life starts to pass you by so quickly that you don't have time to time to realize that your life is passing you by! And here I am, 1 month into 2010, and I wonder...have I done anything right?

I'm not saying I'm discouraged about my road to a better me. More concerned really. Should I already feel like a changed person? Or, is ok that I am still just trying to pave the way?

This month, I've challenged myself to get back to thing I've missed (the measurable, reading and writing), get a life (and take pictures to prove it), set a budget (and stick to it), and become a volunteer.

I've hit a few road blocks. The reading and writing I think I've done ok. I've read almost three books, and, have written 17 entries already! However, the get a life slash follow a budget still seem to be conflicting with each other, and I've yet to find a way to make the two run comfortably together. But I'm working on it.

Week 4, due to the bedridden injury, will be addressed week 5, alongside my new undertaking...

Start packing lunch (or dinner) for work every day. And then actually eat what I packed. I can't lie...I work in the mall, and often, CPK or Nordstrom Cafe sound a hell of a lot better than the paper bag in the fridge. But, I think this could help my wallet a lot too! The key to this is food shopping, though. It's hard to pack a lunch when I'm fresh (or for 3 weeks have been) out of fruit, yogurt, bread slash everything you need to pack a lunch.

Luckily, I can start out on a high note this week because while injured, my mom went to the store for me and stocked my fridge. Not only am I a spoiled only child, but, now I feel like a real adult when I open the fridge and see food where an empty space used to accompany the 32 leftover Natty Boh's from my snowed out Christmas party. Thanks Mom!