Friday, March 5, 2010

Pain, Pain, Go Away

I'd love to know the job of the driver of the BMW convertible that's been parked on the street under snow for three weeks in my neighborhood, leaving it impossible to properly plow that entire side of the road.

I'd also love to know what it is that my neighbors upstairs find totally necessary to do at 8am every day. My snooze button (or alarm) hasn't even been necessary this week. Yesterday it was vacuuming. Today I believe they were moving furniture as a part of an aerobics routine. Both days though, I didn't have to be up early, yet both days, I was.

And yet I wonder why my doctor told me my stress and anxiety is too high.

Maybe its customers at my store who insist we sell a product I've never heard of. Or perhaps the hostess at the bar the other night that changed the channel mid-hockey game, questioning, "What, you don't want to watch the Maryland game?" Umm, if I did, I could watch it on the other 37 TV's in here that are showing it. Could also be the fact that the Caps prefer to barely win games most of the time, making every last second an edge of the seat nail biter, rather than just holding a few goal lead.

Could it be the stalker woman from Brick Bodies, who, even after telling her I joined Gold's for half the price, continues to call me on a daily basis? Or the scam artist at work who calls like clockwork every morning, insisting he's from Verizon, yet asked how to dial a number that has letters after referring him to the corporate phone number.

Now that the stress has started to come in the form of physical pain, Doc says I need to regulate and balance it. But without having to tow a car, move, get a new job, stop watching hockey, and change my exactly do I do that?


  1. Oh S, please take it easy! Although I love how I LOL at every blog you write, we need to get you a publisher and you need to get started on writing a book!

  2. Ummm you could wise up & become a Pens fan & solve your hockey problem!

  3. Carissa why would she want to become a fan of the second best team???

  4. I'm going to yoga twice a week. Monday and Friday from 9:30 to 11. You're welcome to join me! It hurts but it's good. And great for peopl with back problems.
