Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pick a Card, Any Card....Again

We were supposed to go to Disneyworld. Instead, we ended up at the psychic...

While my friend C's husband was away at a bachelor party, we were going to live it, an actual single girl with no ties to Owings Mills. Her, a weekend off from married life...unchosen, but happening nonetheless. Unfortunately, we're all talk, and our 4 day weekend to Mickeytown never got booked. So, we decided on an overnight to NYC. Clearly, that was too expensive on super short notice, so DC it was. Except, it wasn't, and we ended up going nowhere. Except to Mt. Washington Tavern and the psychic.

It wasn't the first time I went to Savetta. In a prior blog entry from back in the day, I shared parts of my first visit with the lady who claims to know everything and proves she does know some things. Last time, I discussed how I safely avoided the death card during my tarot reading because I believe I have psychic abilities myself. This time, she told me that I have psychic abilities that I'm not completely connected to. Weird.

This time...

She told me I'm a happy person on the outside, a jokester, and that I cover up my real feelings. She told me that I'm a hard worker and that I work in a business that helps people. She wondered what it was that happened to me 7 months ago that caused so much doubt, confusion, and pain. Huh...

Apparently, in the next 4 years, I'm going to own my own business and will be very successful. I have two men in my life. One, from the past who has not let me go, and one from my present, who I already know. This guy cares very deeply about me and I should open myself up to the possibilites of him. Of course, she did not tell me who on earth this guy was, or, where I could find him. Then, she told me I would live until I'm 97. Of course I am.

Since I have no idea who this "present guy" is, I'm assuming she didn't get it all right, so I guess I better get cracking on this eharmony situation, because 68 more years of life is a long time to do it alone.

One problem. My matches are crap. Of the 97 people I've been matched to, I've been intrigued by less than a few. Then, the one guy who I got to the "must have/can't stand" stage with couldn't stand pretty much everything about me...he "can't stand" people who aren't strongly spiritual, need alone time, or, have a sarcastic tendency. Great job on that match eharmony. Really, I applaud you.

Almost one month down and two to go. This just might be the worst $50 I (my grandmother) has ever spent. I'm trying so hard to get you some fun date stories, but, if I can't get past the stage 2 level of communication, its going to be hard. So, here's to hoping that my next set of matches consists of a healthy handful of men who "must have" a sarcastic , agnostic, independant woman. Sing it, Beyonce.


  1. Loved the blog. So eharmony isn't working. How about JDate? Or Starbucks instead of a bar. Or the gym. Best of all is word of mouth - personal referals from a friend.

  2. JUNE. It is the middle of August. WRITE.
